Rosie Murray-West on the ups and downs of the property world
OK, I'm going to start with an easy one. In which country would you use the lev as currency? No? Well, would it help if I told you that its president is Georgi Parvanov? That the Rodopi mountains mark its southern boundary? That its capital city is Sofia?
Well done, it's Bulgaria and if you don't know these basic facts about the country, don't worry - that is no reason not to join the countless thousands of British "investors" (I use the term guardedly) who are planning to buy property there.
Certainly there is no shortage of websites to satiate the appetites of potential buyers. These all offer alarmingly similar artists' impressions of yet-to-be built apartment blocks or a selection of older homes across Bulgaria. And if you can't pinpoint "Bansko" or "Chernomorets" on the map? The pragmatic realtors offer you the option of searching "near beach", "in mountain", or even "near highway".
Now, I can perfectly well believe that Bulgaria is a delightful place - the snow-capped mountains and verdant valleys in the artists' impressions alone could convince me of that - but what exactly is causing this army of buyers to head towards Bulgaria? Its Black Sea coast? Its possible accession to the EU? Have the investors all enjoyed wonderful skiing holidays in the splendid Pamporovo resort and want to return, year after year?
Not quite. The main attraction, they tell me, is that it's cheap. It's really, really cheap.
This is true. There is absolutely no difficulty in finding a rural house at about the £12,000 mark. But there's a reason for this: Bulgaria is poor, really, really poor. Look at virtually any European index of deprivation and you will find it lurking in the bottom three, alongside Albania and Romania. Not only is it rather tasteless to take part in some sort of developing-country land-grab, but I can't help feeling that it is financially foolish as well. There simply isn't enough wealth there to generate competition for property locally, so other overseas investors are the only people who can drive prices. And, if buyers have only the haziest idea where Varna or Veliko Turnovo are, how can they expect other people, with even less interest in the country, to choose them as holiday rentals?
Yes, some will make money from the Bulgarian property boom, but my suspicion is that it will only be the people who got in early enough. And by my reckoning, that would have been about four years ago.
Starry-eyed greed, of course, doesn't affect only those with property in Bulgaria. I am currently thinking about moving house and, although I won't be putting my home on the market for a couple of months, I have already developed a worrying detachment from it. Until I decided to sell, I thought of my home as, well, my home - a nice place full of memories that I shared with the people I love most in the world. But how those sentimental scales have dropped from my eyes now that I am weighing up guide prices. Sitting on the sofa in my (bright and airy) living room, I scour the (architect-designed) walls for scuffmarks and stains that might put off increasingly choosy buyers. Weekends are spent poring over interiors magazines working out how best to titivate the bathroom.
Unfortunately I am a victim of property-show mania and I find it hard to believe that any viewers will consider buying unless they can work their way through a checklist of desirable features which include artfully arranged pebbles in the fireplace and dozens of plump, co-ordinated cushions on the bed (do people really go through the rigmarole of removing them all each bedtime?). Last time I sold a home, I bought some flowers. This time, I am thinking about a new kitchen.