Lev Leviev has just paid a record amount for a new home in the U.K. - $70 million
Leviev, an Israeli diamond billionaire, apparently plans to settle in London to avoid paying taxes in his adopted home country. Which is a little strange when you consider the amount of Brits avoiding their British income tax burden by setting up shop in Monaco or the Middle East.
The seven-bedroom house is in Hampstead, a London suburb. The house came complete with a $1.5 million stone staircase, an indoor swimming pool with gold plated mosaic tiles and a reportedly $100,000 bullet proof front door.
Possibly the most unusual feature of the property is a topiary bush that reputedly cost $40,000 to shape.
Leviev is reported to be worth between 4 and 7 billion dollars and rate by Forbes as number 278 of the wealthiest men in the world. He is also fond of inflicting his strong religious beliefs on those around him. He made news several years ago when he apparently purchased a shopping mall so he could ensure the multi-plex cinema inside would close on Jewish religious holidays. He has also been recently quoted that he is very dissatisfied with the present political situation in Israel and also in the manner in which many non-religious Israelis are living, including their desecration of the Sabbath and religious holidays.